A Message and Some Spiritual Guidance for the Old Souls and Answers to the Question: Who Am I?
By Kristi Stoll – Owner of AncientHawaiianHealings.com
I recently found myself typing a pretty long letter to an old friend of mine who is struggling right now and I thought the message would be perfect to share with all of you old souls.
Who Am I?
We are ALL Spiritual Beings simply having a human experience – and we all came down to this earth to learn a larger lesson (and to remember who we are). So ALL these crazy human experiences we have happen to assist us to grow and evolve spiritually. We have a lower part of us, and a higher part of us. Our higher self will ALWAYS pull us toward our soul’s purpose. Where pain comes from in life is when our higher self and lower self are not in alignment. Always try to remember that who you are is a limitless Light Being; A Limitless Soul who is here having a human experience which seems much more limiting than it really is.
The challenge is that our lower self thinks it is protecting us in some way to keep us in painful or uncomfortable situations or situations that are not in alignment with our higher selves. Our lower self represents the unconscious. Many of the choices we make in life get created from the level of the unconscious. That is where the beliefs and perceptions about ourself lie. Those beliefs and perceptions were gained in early childhood and told us (in some way) we are not good enough or not lovable in some way or not whole. And within those misperceptions that you carry lie the lesson you are here to learn.
Am I an Old Soul?
If you are reading this, you are an old soul. And on some level you already know that. Something that might be helpful for you to know is that 80% of the population here on earth are newer souls. They can not see the world the way that you do. Your vibration and ability to process information is like that of a fast computer, while they are like a calculator. Information I learned from one of my healing teachers (that the Source shared with her years ago) is that 80% of the people (on earth) vibrate at what the Source called 110 – sort of like small appliances (or calculators). Next, 17-18% vibrate at a 220 similar to the large appliances (or an older cell phone). Last are the people that vibrate at 440 or higher. That is only 1-2% of people. Those are the old souls and the computers. THAT IS YOU!
So think about it. How well do computers and calculators communicate? How much common ground do they share? Very little, right? So no, you are not crazy. Most people on this earth simply can’t understand you, think as fast as you do, figure things out as fast as you do, or work as fast as you.
Understand this, you see the world differently than 98-99% of the population. And the biggest challenge is that we grow up in a world of limitations which is a sharp contrast to what our Old Souls or Spirits know as possible. This can mean it is hard to find people who can see you or really know you; relationships can be challenging; finding your way in a world that doesn’t seem to speak your language can be really tough. And when that happens, many find it confusing and hard to navigate.
Many Old Souls Turn to Drugs and Alcohol
Many old souls turn to drugs and alcohol or anything that keeps them busy or distracted because they don’t understand the energy they feel or the disconnect they feel with the world. Most can’t understand why they feel so different from most people. Why they have incredible ideas and inspirations that aren’t supported by the general public. Why the world seems to live in a perception of limitation and “don’t do that” instead of limitlessness. It’s confusing when you have your true soul self (higher self) driving you toward your dreams and the world is teaching limits and telling you about who you are supposed to be.
Because you are an old soul, you bring a higher vibration and have access to higher levels of wisdom and insight. You feel as though you have a purpose for your life and feel guided to know what it is. The Old Souls are the Innovators, the Inventors, the Visionaries, The Creators, the people who share Higher Wisdom Messages! What is/are your old soul gifts?
How to Live in Alignment with Who You Truly are and Your Old Soul
The trick is to get your lower self and higher self to realign, to figure out what lessons life is trying to teach you so that you can evolve and grow, and remember how to live from your higher self. If you don’t get the lessons then situations will continue to show up, most of them very similar in nature, to assist you to learn it. But the more you resist learning it, the louder the messages get and sometimes meaning more painful or more uncomfortable.
Just know that none of the experiences you as a human have are meant to hurt you, they are meant to assist you to learn what you came here to learn and to help you remember who you really are. However in this land of duality, sometimes we learn more through pain – or the perception of pain. And why I say the perception of pain is because when we have the experiences as children that form our perception of ourselves (like I mentioned before about not being good enough) we then see the world through that filter. So we will continue to see how we are not good enough or unlovable until we remember who we are and learn to love whole selves.
If you are living in a vibration that doesn’t really support (or see) who you are, it is sort of like going back to high school even though you have graduated from college. In some ways it may feel easier for you to live at that lower level – but on the whole, at some point it will not feel easier because your spirit will continue to push you to wake up. You may feel empty and unfulfilled. Ultimately you will not feel seen or valued for who you really are.
Old Souls, It’s Time to Listen
You have been here hundreds of lifetimes to get to the vibration that you are at with the wisdom and knowledge that you have. And that is what your Spirit is trying to get you to wake up to. It’s time to listen!
What do you really want in your life – who do you want to BE? How do you want to feel every day? What do you want to create for yourself on all levels, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual? What is your dream? What is your passion? What is your soul guiding you to be? If you want to make changes, it is time for you to get clear on that. And make choices which support what you want to create!
Are you tired of living a life that doesn’t support all of who you are and are interested in truly living the Highest Soul Path that you came here to live? Do you need some guidance on how to get realigned and reconnected to your Higher Path? You may want to consider joining me for my personal mentoring – Living in Alignment with Your Highest Truth. For more information on the details and how to apply please see my website at AncientHawaiianHealings.com/classes.html
Tips for Old Souls and to answer the Question: Who Am I
- MEDITATE – Take time daily to connect with your higher self and higher wisdom.
- INTENTION – Having a strong, clear Intention about Being who you came here to be. Don’t let anyone tell you any differently.
- SPEND TIME DOING THINGS YOU LOVE – Explore the things you love. The things you love are connected to your inner gifts.
- MAKE A COMMITMENT TO YOURSELF TO LIVE YOUR DREAMS – YOU CAME HERE FOR A REASON AND PURPOSE. Make a commitment to yourself to do everything possible to achieve it!
- GET IN TOUCH WITH YOURSELF – Forget what people have told you about yourself if it is limiting. Take your own inner inventory. What are your gifts? What do you think you have to share with the world?
- REMEMBER YOU ARE LIMITLESS – Tune into the messages of your inner self. They will tell you that you are limitless. Seek out like-minded people who support who you are!
- SEEK OUT EVENTS/CLASSES THAT HELP YOU LEARN AND GROW – I offer monthly meditations which are geared toward old souls for awakening your higher consciousness. Be sure to check our store for upcoming remote teleseminars.
Blessings of Love and Grace
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